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Day Three

âõakkhettaparittaü (pt 2)
Safeguard in this Order's Domain


Paõidhànato paññhàya, Tathàgatassa dasapàramiyo,
Beginning with the aspiration (for Buddhahood, and thinking of) the Realised One's ten perfections,

dasaupapàramiyo, dasaparamatthapàramiyo - samatiüsapàramiyo
ten minor perfections, ten great perfections - altogether thirty perfections -

pa¤camahàpariccàge, tisso cariyà,
his five great sacrifices, three ways of conduct,

pacchimabhave gabbhàvakkantiü, jàtiü,
descent into the womb for his final existence, birth,

abhinikkhamanaü, padhànacariyaü,
great renunciation, life of effort,

Bodhipallaïkaü, Màravijayaü,
sitting cross legged at the Bodhi tree, victory over Màra,

his penetration and knowledge of omniscience,

navalokuttaradhamme ti,
and his nine supermundane attainments,

sabbe p' ime Buddhaguõe àvajjitvà,
and after considering all these Buddha qualities,

Vesàliyaü tãsu pàkàrantaresu, tiyàmarattiü,
(going around) the three walls of Vesàli, during the three watches of the night,

parittaü karonto àyasmà ânandatthero
after establishing great compassion in his heart

viya kàru¤¤acittaü upaññhapetvà:
the venerable elder ânanda made this safeguard:


            Koñisatasahassesu Þ cakkavàëesu devatà
The gods in the ten hundred thousand million universes

            yass' àõaü patigaõhanti Þ ya¤-ca Vesàliyaü pure,
accepted the order (given) Þ in the city of Vesàli,

            rogàmanusssadubbhikkha Þ - sambhåtaü tividhaü bhayaü -
and disease, non-human beings, and famine Þ - the threefold fear that had arisen -

            khippam-antaradhàpesi, Þ parittaü taü bhaõàmahe:
quickly disappeared, Þ we will recite that safeguard:



The Discourse on the Treasures


1.                     Yànãdha bhåtàni samàgatàni,
            Whatever beings have come together here,

                        Bhummàni và yàni va antaëikkhe,
            whether of the earth or in the firmament,

                        sabbe va bhåtà sumanà bhavantu,
            may the minds of all those beings be happy,

                        atho pi sakkacca suõantu bhàsitaü.
            and may they listen carefully to what is said.


2.                    Tasmà hi bhåtà nisàmetha sabbe,
            Therefore, all of you beings, be attentive,

                        mettaü karotha mànusiyà pajàya,
            be friendly towards this generation of men,

                        divà ca ratto ca haranti ye baliü,
            they who bring offerings by day and by night,

                        tasmà hi ne rakkhatha appamattà.
            as they are heedful please protect them.


3.                     Yaü ki¤ci vittaü - idha và huraü và
            Whatever riches there are - here or hereafter

                        saggesu và - yaü ratanaü paõãtaü
            or in the heavens - that excellent treasure

                        na no samaü atthi Tathàgatena -
            is not equal unto the Realised One -

                        idam-pi Buddhe ratanaü paõãtaü:
            this excellent treasure is in the Buddha:

                        etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
            by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


4.                     Khayaü viràgaü amataü paõãtaü -
            (Craving's) end, dispassion, deathlessness, excellence -

                        yad-ajjhagà Sakyamunã samàhito -
            that which the concentrated Sakyan Sage attained -

                        na tena Dhammena sam' atthi ki¤ci -
            there is nothing that is equal to the Dhamma -

                        idam-pi Dhamme ratanaü paõãtaü:
            this excellent treasure is in the Dhamma:

                        etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
            by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


5.                    Yam-Buddhaseññho parivaõõayã suciü -
            That which the great Buddha praised as being pure -

                        samàdhim-ànantarika¤-¤am-àhu -
            the concentration said to have immediate (result) -

                        samàdhinà tena samo na vijjati -
            no equal to that concentration is found -
                        idam-pi Dhamme ratanaü paõãtaü:
            this excellent treasure is in the Dhamma

                        etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
            by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


6.                     Ye puggalà aññha sataü pasatthà -
            Those eight individuals praised by the good -

                        cattàri etàni yugàni honti -
            there are these four pairs (of persons) -

                        te dakkhiõeyyà Sugatassa sàvakà,
            those disciples of the Fortunate One are worthy of gifts,

                        etesu dinnàni mahapphalàni -
            those things that have been given to them have great fruit -

                        idam-pi Saïghe ratanaü paõãtaü:
            this excellent treasure is in the Sangha:

                        etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
            by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


7.                     Ye suppayuttà manasà daëhena
            Those who have firm minds that are devoted to

                        nikkàmino Gotamasàsanamhi -
            Gotama's teaching, being free from sense desire -

                        te pattipattà amataü vigayha -
            having attained and entered the deathless -

                        laddhà mudhà nibbutiü bhu¤jamànà -
            are enjoying the stillness, obtained for free -

                        idam-pi Saïghe ratanaü paõãtaü:
            this excellent treasure is in the Sangha:

                        etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
            by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


8.                     Yath' indakhãlo pañhaviü sito siyà
            Just as a locking post stuck fast in the earth

                        catubbhi vàtehi asampakampiyo,
            does not waver on account of the four winds,

                        tathåpamaü sappurisaü vadàmi,
            just like this, I say, is the person who is true,

                        yo ariyasaccàni avecca passati -
            the one who sees the noble truths completely -

                        idam-pi Saïghe ratanaü paõãtaü:
            this excellent treasure is in the Sangha:

                        etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
            by virtue of this truth may there be safety


9.                     Ye ariyasaccàni vibhàvayanti,
            Those who clearly distinguish the noble truths,

                        gambhãrapa¤¤ena sudesitàni,
            which have been well preached by the one with great wisdom,

                        ki¤càpi te honti bhus'-appamattà
            no matter how great they become in heedlessness

                        na te bhavaü aññhamaü àdiyanti -
            still they do not take up an eighth existence -

                        idam-pi Saïghe ratanaü paõãtaü:
            this excellent treasure is in the Sangha:

                        etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
            by virtue of this truth may there be safety

10.                   Sahà v' assa dassanasampadàya
            Together with his attainment of seeing (Nibbàna)

                        tayas su dhammà jahità bhavanti:
            there are three things that are given up:

                        sakkàyadiññhi vicikicchita¤-ca
            embodiment view, uncertainty, and

                        sãlabbataü và pi yad-atthi ki¤ci.
            whatever (grasping at) virtue and practices there is.

                        Catåh' apàyehi ca vippamutto,
            He is free from (rebirth in) the four lower worlds,

                        cha càbhiñhànàni abhabbo kàtuü -
            and he is incapable of the six great crimes -

                        idam-pi Saïghe ratanaü paõãtaü:
            this excellent treasure is in the Sangha:

                        etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
            by virtue of this truth may there be safety


11.                   Ki¤càpi so kammaü karoti pàpakaü
            Whatever bad actions he performs

                        kàyena vàcà uda cetasà và,
            by way of body, speech, or mind,

                        abhabbo so tassa pañicchàdàya:
            he is incapable of covering it up:
                        abhabbatà diññhapadassa vuttà -
            this incapacity is said of one who has seen the state (of peace) -

                        idam-pi Saïghe ratanaü paõãtaü:
            this excellent treasure is in the Sangha:

                        etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
            by virtue of this truth may there be safety


12.                   Vanappagumbe yathà phussitagge
            Just like a tall woodland tree crowned with flowers

                        gimhànamàse pañhamasmiü gimhe,
            in the summer months, in the early summer,

                        tathåpamaü Dhammavaraü adesayã,
            just like this he preached the Dhamma which is best,

                        Nibbànagàmiü paramaühitàya -
            which goes to Nibbàna, the highest benefit -

                        idam-pi Buddhe ratanaü paõãtaü:
            this excellent treasure is in the Buddha:

                        etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
            by virtue of this truth may there be safety


13.                   Varo vara¤¤å varado varàharo,
            The best one, knowing the best, gave the best, brought the best,

                        anuttaro Dhammavaraü adesayã -
            he preached the best Dhamma, which is unsurpassed -

                        idam-pi Buddhe ratanaü paõãtaü:
            this excellent treasure is in the Buddha:

                        etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
            by virtue of this truth may there be safety

14.                   Khãõaü puràõaü navaü n' atthi sambhavaü,
            The old is destroyed, and nothing new is produced,

                        virattacittà àyatike bhavasmiü,
            their minds are unexcited by future rebirth,

                        te khãõabãjà aviruëhicchandà,
            they have destroyed the seeds, and have no desire for growth,

                        nibbanti dhãrà yathà 'yam-padãpo -
            the wise are still, just as this lamp (is still) -

                        idam-pi Saïghe ratanaü paõãtaü:
            this excellent treasure is in the Sangha:

                        etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
            by virtue of this truth may there be safety!


(Spoken by Sakka, lord of the gods:)


15.                   Yànãdha bhåtàni samàgatàni,
            Whatever beings have come together here,

                        bhummàni và yàni va antalikkhe,
            whether of the earth or in the firmament,

                        tathàgataü devamanussapåjitaü
             we (all) revere the realised Buddha who is

                        Buddhaü namassàma suvatthi hotu!
            honoured by gods and men - may there be safety!


16.                   Yànãdha bhåtàni samàgatàni,
            Whatever beings have come together here,

                        bhummàni và yàni va antalikkhe,
            whether of the earth or in the firmament,

                        tathàgataü devamanussapåjitaü
             we (all) revere the realised Dhamma which is

                        Dhammaü namassàma suvatthi hotu!
            honoured by gods and men - may there be safety!

17.                   Yànãdha bhåtàni samàgatàni,
            Whatever beings have come together here,

                        bhummàni và yàni va antalikkhe,
            whether of the earth or in the firmament,

                        tathàgataü devamanussapåjitaü
             we (all) revere the realised Sangha which is

                        Saïghaü namassàma suvatthi hotu!
            honoured by gods and men - may there be safety!

Verse of Blessing

Etena saccavajjena Þ sotthi te hotu sabbadà!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you be safe at all times!

Etena saccavajjena Þ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you have the blessing of success!

Etena saccavajjena Þ sabbarogo vinassatu!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may all disease be destroyed!



Now go to Conclusion part 1: Sabba-pàpassa akaraõaü...


Påja - Worship (Daily)     Parittaü - Safeguard Recitals (Daily)

Day One    Day Two     Day Three     Day Four     Day Five     Day Six     Day Seven

Conclusion    Home Page    Buddhapåjà